How to install internet on a translator device?


Nov 5, 2013
Ok so I have a translator Iriver Dicple D200, serial number (S/N) 1T117011027JQF5
I am looking to install any internet viewing software onto the translator so i can look up definitions, since the translator is very old.

Translator specs
I don't know what software it has, but its a touchscreen. I can already view videos and pictures using this translator, but I can not use internet. It also has flash player and I have a cable connector to connect with my computer.

What I want to do
install internet (really general, any browser)
install internet (general) into it and use the internet with the translator?
Looking to install browsers into it. I have wifi already

*PLEASE DO NOT SAY TO buy a phone or computer. I already have a computer, but the goal is to install internet into the translator. Thank you !*