How to install my new graphics card (GTX 1050ti)


Jun 13, 2017
Im getting a new graphics card (gtx 1050ti), RIGHT NOW I DONT HAVE ANY GRAPHICS CARD
Can someone please guide me step by step of how should i do it?
Boot the system.
Download and save out the latest Nvidia drivers for your OS and card combination ONLY and DIRECTLY from the Nvidia website.
Shut down the system and remove the power cord.
Install the card, but read the little 'manual' that comes with it first.
Power up.
Install the drivers you saved out earlier.
Note, you'll probably need to sign up to a Nvidia account for their 'Experience', it's an annoyance but can't be helped.
There should be no need to enter the BIOS to select the new card as primary display device, the system should do this automatically.

Thank you so much, but cant i download the drivers after i put my graphics card in place? i saw people do that.

ok then thank you, but where do i save it 😀 sorry for my misknowledge, i just want to make sure not to mess something up

I can understand that but if you ask me for my specs which i have to look for 20 minutes because im bad at computers, i expect an answer.


And we can't give a proper answer if we don't know what the whole situation is.
We still don't know if the GPU will even fit in your computer case, because you're using a slim prebuilt PC or something.



thank you and goodluck my friend, hopefully everything turns out perfectly for you