[SOLVED] How to Know the problem source in between LVDS, inverter, or display for random display blackout in a laptop ?

May 22, 2021
The laptop still plays the sound and the display backlight is on but the video is not there. What can cause this? The display is newly replaced by me. The silver-colored part of the display at the bottom seems a little bit bent when I received it. And sometimes I hear a very small clicking voltage sound when the display goes off. I tried bending the LVDS cable manually to test the sensitivity and influence of it on the blackouts but nothing happened. Is the display damaged?
My thought is a faulty cable or more likely the 30 pin connector.

Especially if the problem appears and disappears. I.e., a "make and break" connection.

A connection that works and stops working as some electrical point of contact closes and opens due to movement, pressure, temperature, etc..

Intermittent and often difficult to diagnose

Could be a broken wire in the cable but that would be rare. More likely within the cable/connectivity for the display to laptop connection. Hopefully not the display - laptop connection port.

Fixing that, or trying to do so in some manner could void any display warranties.

Is the entire cable between display and laptop replaceable? If possible try another known working cable.

If not...
Make and model laptop? Age, condition? Well "traveled"?

Where was the replacement display purchased? Vendor/source? Was the display new, reconditioned, or used?

What technical manual was used for the replacement process?

All in all it does appear that the display is damaged.

Contact the seller and see if the display can be returned/RMA'd.

Document everything as they may claim that you damaged the display.
Acer aspire 5 a515-51g-520q, 3 years old, Display is new, purchased online from a third party manufacturer. I googled the supported display models for this laptop and ordered from here
I am not a pro repair guy, I am a student trying to repair my old laptop. I just opened the top plastic part which holds the display then replaced the display and connected the 30 pin cable back. In the beginning, everything went well for almost a week without any issue. Then when I move or any random force makes the screen go off. Then I updated my bios checked the ram and checked the display cable, after I put everything back again for one night I had no issues. Then again in the morning, the same problem continues. One interesting thing is, When I close the lid and open it back then the display reappears, and anyway, it again goes black at the end. But, this observation made me doubt the display damage criteria and I cannot think of any other parameter that can cause this issue?
My thought is a faulty cable or more likely the 30 pin connector.

Especially if the problem appears and disappears. I.e., a "make and break" connection.

A connection that works and stops working as some electrical point of contact closes and opens due to movement, pressure, temperature, etc..

Intermittent and often difficult to diagnose

Could be a broken wire in the cable but that would be rare. More likely within the cable/connectivity for the display to laptop connection. Hopefully not the display - laptop connection port.

Fixing that, or trying to do so in some manner could void any display warranties.

Is the entire cable between display and laptop replaceable? If possible try another known working cable.

If not then you will need to RMA the new display. Contact Replace Direct.