How to logout from hotmail account on windows 8?


Oct 12, 2011
I am using a laptop which came from a customer for repair...I was using for few months ... now I want to give it back. I was using my Hotmail account on this for downloading apps from windows when giving it back...before that I want to signout from hotmail and want to delete any history of my account which may have stored on this laptop...
Windows 8 stores your passwords and can auto provide them. You will want to make sure these are removed. Run control panel and find manage your credentials. To get to the correct place. You might consider doing a os reset.

You can download and run a program called ccleaner.It will clear cookies.And its fee.

Ok...thank you...I will try it I know this ccleaner and was using it for cleaning cookies...temporary internet files and for registry cleaning...and will reply back...