Make a disk image file that can give you a perfect restore or even mount as its own drive in Windows.
How to Make a Full System Image Backup in Windows : Read more
How to Make a Full System Image Backup in Windows : Read more
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I tried Casper....or you just buy Casper from fssdev and it gets done with 99% less effort. You also get a bootable USB clone which may be cloned back to a differently sized HD. Yes, it works perfectly. Worth every penny.
Why would we need one?in old times we had hardware one to one cloning machines for hdd without the need for any pc or even OS... I wonder if such machine is available for M2 SSD
Why would we need one?
I imagine the market for such a device is great for PC builders of the same hardware , and for people who dont know how to use cloning software right. cloning software is not dummy proof .
Just be aware that if you buy EaseUs (the free version won't do a clone) that when it does not work properly (It did not for me) then you will have to fight tooth and nail to get the "30 day money back guarantee" honored. I am on my third attempt and if it fails then I will have to contact my credit card company and protest the charge.Make a disk image file that can give you a perfect restore or even mount as its own drive in Windows.
How to Make a Full System Image Backup in Windows : Read more
I am pretty sure that you can find the nvme duplicator on Amazon but it is not cheap.I imagine the market for such a device is tiny.
For SATA drives, they exist. NVMe, not yet.
oldest was Norton ghost.I'm not sure how you leave out the two best, and oldest, image backup products on the planet, Acronis and TeraByte Drive Image Suite?
I use Macrium Reflect.I used the DOS version of Norton Ghost extensively for myself as well as for my clients.
Backing up and restoration was extremely easy and reliable.
I wonder if there's anything comparable for modern systems.
I can't begin to describe how many ways the above text is wrong.....It seems for some business computers, the backup is greyed out for security reasons or Microsoft makes very hard to back up the image for security reasons. There is no other way to do the backup without third party software. Microsoft doesn't want user to make a copy of it's operating system. Only backup is just going to the file history and not the backup section. you get the file history only not the image. If your computer crashes or virus, you need to reinstall the windows operating system from boot. All the dell or oem computers have a boot option where windows 10 is reinstalled fresh copy. there is no need for a cd disk image anymore. The image or backup is in the hard drive and non-writeable. All this changing of reserve partitions,don't waste your time with it. For business they may need to back up entire image and easier to resintall later but for home users. Just reinstall the operating system, and applications and reinstall all the files that is saved in file history.
As i said, for business that need daily backups. or auto backups you need third party backup software. the windows 10 backup doesn't work which is why they have those third party software
the backup fails when it tries to create the windows operating system image.
backup ussed to be easy and you don't need no third party backup doesn't want to make it easy to make the image backup. it is the most basic computer function. backup files. or bakup. and for business it is essential, they even backup multiple copies off site. it's like a entire dept just to make backups. as technicians, ,if it doesn't work, it doesn't work, don't even bother trying to fix it on why you cannot use the windows backup image function. like messing with partitiions etc. or adding any unvested unknown software trying to fix it.I can't begin to describe how many ways the above text is wrong.....
In a business environment, yes, they have a team to manage backups.backup ussed to be easy and you don't need no third party backup doesn't want to make it easy to make the image backup. it is the most basic computer function. backup files. or bakup. and for business it is essential, they even backup multiple copies off site. it's like a entire dept just to make backups.