How to make myself an administrator?


Sep 3, 2014
Hi, i need your help!
My PC recently got an ERROR saying it had to repair it's harddrive, and now, i cant get access to Windows, everything i can do i to choose from diffent ways to "Repair it".
And to Repair it, it need to be an administrator, but since i never made an administraor account, i dont have access to the administrator features, and now i'm stuck in a menu i can't get out off..
How to i make myself an administrator, or get access to administator features wwithout going into windows 8??
This is what it says: Choose an administrator account from below. And then it's supposed to show you all of the administrators, but on my screen, i don't have any options..

And further down is says "An administrator account has never been made on this computer. To manage administrator, go into windows and do it from there". It says something like that.
But the problem is that i cant access Windows 8, so i cant do it..