Question How to make PS2 steering wheel work on a PC ?


Feb 4, 2021
I had an project for a loongg time ago.I have a PS2(console) steering wheel and not recently i bought an PS2->USB adapter.It works with joystick but not with the wheel ?

This is how it looks below. I tried universal drivers but,nothig. Does someone have any idea? I will try it and see if it will work!

Don't mention about Rasberry PI or other minicomputers!

The first problem is the adapter is likely using DirectInput as the controller API, which won't work with modern titles as they only support XInput. There are DirectInput to XInput wrappers, but I haven't used any of them to know if they actually work.

The second problem is the racing wheel is going to be seen as a generic controller to the PC, not an actual racing wheel. Racing wheels tend to repurpose the various inputs on modern controllers. For example, while the steering wheel may map to the X-axis of the left stick, acceleration and braking may map to the Y-axis of the left stick or the right stick (this probably explains Gran Turismo's odd controller mapping in some cases). So unless you can remap the keybindings, it's not going to work as expected.