Question How to make sure Fullscreen optimization is disabled?

Jul 13, 2020
i heard that flicker can be symptom of full screen optimization being enabled. I disable that in compatibility tab for each game, yet have disabled GAME_DVR and multiple registry keys, tried even something else in regedit, which was supposed to fix that. Yet i noticed i have flicker in games, when loading e.g. But it can be also G-SYNC, so i don't know. Using certified display port cable! I hope fullscreen optimization is off tho, as it causes input lag and fps drops.
Anyone know how to tell, if fullscreen optimization is off?

Z390-i gaming
2070 super
g.skill trident 3200mhz 16GB cl16
Corsair rm650x 2018
XPG8200 1TB
AOC G2560fx

Windows 10 pro x64 2004
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First of all - stay out of the registry. Registry edits are a last resort and only after ensuring that the system is fully backed up and recoverable.

Second - update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information (Windows 10 edition/version) etc.. There could be other reasons for the flickering.

Include PSU: make, model, wattage. Disk drives: make, model, capacity, how full?

Look in Reliability History for error codes, warnings, and even informational events that correspond with flickering times.

Next: Have you actively gone into adapter settings to enable or disable full screen optimization?

Meaning/question being that you know how to do that for all or just certain games/apps.

And the overall question is the requirement to simply verify if Fullscreen Optimization is on or off?

If so, the following "Get" via Powershell should provide the desired information.


Type "Powershell" in the "Type here to search box" > Open. (Do not use admin.)

Cut and paste in the following at the blue screen > prompt.

Get-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\System\GameConfigStore

Here are the results of my "Get":

GameDVR_Enabled : 0
GameDVR_FSEBehaviorMode : 2
Win32_AutoGameModeDefaultProfile : {2, 0, 1, 0...}
Win32_GameModeRelatedProcesses : {1, 0, 1, 0...}
GameDVR_HonorUserFSEBehaviorMode : 0
GameDVR_DXGIHonorFSEWindowsCompatible : 0
GameDVR_EFSEFeatureFlags : 0
PSPath : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\System\GameConfigStore
PSParentPath : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\System
PSChildName : GameConfigStore
PSDrive : HKCU
PSProvider : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry

============== My understanding ==========

If the GameDVR_FSEBehaviorMode DWORD value is 0 then fullscreen optimization is Enabled.

If the GameDVR_FSEBehaviorMode DWORD value is 2 then fullscreen optimization is Disabled

However, I have not experimented with fullscreen optimizations targeted to specific games or apps.

Do not make any changes based upon the results. We need some additional certainty about the problem/requirement itself and what other solutions (if any) are applicable.

Post accordingly.
Look in Reliability History for error codes, warnings, and even informational events that correspond with flickering times.
All disks are fine, tho i don't know how disks could cause flicker.

Look in Reliability History for error codes, warnings, and even informational events that correspond with flickering times.
Can try that when it happens, but didn't have any weird error codes lately. This happens since i got pc, in one game when loading i noticed it, which didn't happen in that game before ever, so it looks like something new causing it e.g. G-Sync didn't have G-Sync monitor before. And in Kingdome Come Deliverance, but i heard that suffers from flicker.

And the overall question is the requirement to simply verify if Fullscreen Optimization is on or off?
Yep it doesn't happen otherwise, i don't care if it is during loading. I want to just know this trash is off. Even tho this registry entry should disable it, i heard it doesn't work. Not sure if it was fixed since than. I have FSE_Behavior to 2, any other way i can verify fullscreen optimizations is off? I read from some dev blog post, that if it is on, it can cause flicker! That's why i am asking.
I came across a variety of Full Screen Optimization links.

Here is one Microsoft link that appears to address the overall matter and offers some applicable guidance.

At the end of the article are instructions regarding troubleshooting and game configurations.

Another thought is to move your thread to PC Gaming - may solicit specific ideas via the Gaming Community.....
I came across a variety of Full Screen Optimization links.

Here is one Microsoft link that appears to address the overall matter and offers some applicable guidance.

At the end of the article are instructions regarding troubleshooting and game configurations.

Another thought is to move your thread to PC Gaming - may solicit specific ideas via the Gaming Community.....
What you mean this:
  1. Right Click on the Executable File (.exe) and Select Properties
  2. Select the Compatibility Tab
  3. Under Settings – Select “Disable Fullscreen Optimizations
  4. Click Apply
I already read that and i am using this. But how do i check it is enabled or not? Or you meant feedback?

Hmm, i thought this was related to Windows 10, as it is windows 10 feature. By move you mean recreate?
Yes that is the section of the link I referred to.

Change the setting for one of your games.

Play the game. Did the flicker end?

If not, try another game or two.

Be very methodical and test thoroughly.

Because I am running out of ideas I am moving this thread to PC Gaming.

Someone there may recognize the issue/problem and be able to offer additional suggestions.
Yes that is the section of the link I referred to.

Change the setting for one of your games.

Play the game. Did the flicker end?

If not, try another game or two.

Be very methodical and test thoroughly.

Because I am running out of ideas I am moving this thread to PC Gaming.

Someone there may recognize the issue/problem and be able to offer additional suggestions.
Well i said that at start of my post, that i check this for every game 😀 I know only about 2 games where it happens now, still it is weird. I just want to know how to know, if fullscreen optimization is off, that's it!
When you first boot your computer go into Powershell and run the "Get" cmdlet I posted in #2

Get-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\System\GameConfigStore

What value is GameDVR_FSEBehaviorMode "GameDVR_FSEBehaviorMode "

0,2 ?

0 = Enabled

2 = Disabled

Launch the game and run the "Get" again.

If you want Full Screen Optimization off, Microsoft has set it all up to be done by individual app or game.

The value will change depending on how you configured the game:

If you selected Disable then the value provided by the Get should be 2.

If you did not disable Full Screen optimization then the Get value should be 0.
When you first boot your computer go into Powershell and run the "Get" cmdlet I posted in #2

Get-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\System\GameConfigStore

What value is GameDVR_FSEBehaviorMode "GameDVR_FSEBehaviorMode "

0,2 ?

0 = Enabled

2 = Disabled

Launch the game and run the "Get" again.

If you want Full Screen Optimization off, Microsoft has set it all up to be done by individual app or game.

The value will change depending on how you configured the game:

If you selected Disable then the value provided by the Get should be 2.

If you did not disable Full Screen optimization then the Get value should be 0.
It is on 2. What is this entry - GameDVR_HonorUserFSEBehaviorMode? I read someone tried to put that on on, but it always resets after restart.

Yeah i heard something similar, don't know path from head, but if you remove some subkey of a game, it should disable it. I tried that, but flicker is still on. And i don't know how to verify, whether or not it is off. It should be off, but someone said on reddit, even this doesn't work. And we all know how windows is sometimes. Who knows?
Bump? How do i make sure "Fullscreen Optimizations" is off? Read it is bugged since 1703 and you can't disable it. I have flickering during loading in multi-games. Fullscren Optimizations can cause fps drops and cause lag. Any idea if there is currently solution how to turn this off?