How to modify your weapon in Fallout 4


May 23, 2016
Is your favorite gun not packing as much of a punch as you remember it doing ten levels ago, but don't want to replace it? Why not throw some mods on it and perk it up! Most weapons in Fallout 4 can be modded to further increase their potential as the game goes on, read on and I'll explain how you do this.

Step 1) Find a weapons workbench.
The first thing you are going to need is the workstation to mod your weapons. These are fairly common, and the easiest one to locate would be at Sanctuary, the first settlement you receive. Approach the workbench and choose the option to craft.


Step 2)Find the weapon you want to mod.
You'll be presented with a list of all of the weapons in your inventory. Scroll through until you find the one you want to work on and select it for modding.


Step 3)Choose your mods.
Now you get to see all of the options of how you can mod this specific weapon, depending on the weapon there may be multiple slots to mod things, such as changing the stock, or added sights, or a new barrel and receive if it is a gun, melee weapons typically can only have one mod.


Step 4)Get the required perks.
Depending on what kind of weapon you are trying to mod, you are going to need the skills to do it. Energy weapons require science skill, melee weapons require blacksmithing skill, and guns need the gun nut perk. This is not a hard and fast rule though, since you can mod some melee weapons with the science perk, such as making your security baton into a stun baton.


Step 5) Gather the ingredients.
All of the mods you can do are going to require you to gather up some ingredients in order to craft them on the weapon. Find junk items to scrap, or scrap things around your settlements, there's a good chance you should be able to find everything you need just laying around. Once you have everything in either your inventory, or the settlements inventory, then you can go ahead and apply the mod to the weapon.


That's it, enjoy your fancy new modded gear!