News How To Monitor Your CPU and RAM in Linux

Excellent page - a minor typo - a reference to /proc/meminfo is written as /proc/cpuinfo

FWIW (Scope creep!) Some other info could be added - attached my crib sheet...
Some of which amended inspired by your page...

cat /proc/cpuinfo
e.g. for max cpu speed... lscpu | grep max

sudo dmidecode -t 4
-t 4 specifies SMBIOS for CPU details specifically

e.g. with format specifiers -m -g or -h for significant digit rounding

cat /proc/meminfo

sudo lshw -short -C memory
- detailed memory module timings

sudo dmidecode -t memory

du -h
e.g. refine with du -h --max-depth=2 reporting from current directory

- graphical gnome version

sudo du -h --max-depth=1 / | sort -h 2> /dev/null
- for whole filesystem require root user permissions and discard of warning messages

SYSTEM: (dynamic performance)

ps -ef
- Many more detailed options at

- requires sudo pip3 install bpytop
vmstat -s
Keeping an eye on system resources is a must, no matter if you are using a $35 Raspberry Pi or a multi-million dollar data center. We show you how to monitor your systems from the Linux command line.

How To Monitor Your CPU and RAM in Linux : Read more
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This was the best article I (a Windows guy looking to covert) have read on any Linux commands. Clear, complete and useful. I wrote down the minimum I might need in my Linux cheat sheet. lscpu, free, htop. easy to remember and simple. htop is a windows taskman on command line. In fact, I was wondering what I could use for taskman.