How to mount a ssd in the case?


Apr 20, 2015
My case is Corsair 230T Graphite.
The size of the ssd match the size that the case supports but i cant fit it to the right place what should i do?
My ssd is Hyper X 120 GB Fury.

The 230T offers four 2.5” drive bays for solid-state storage. That’s in addition to the four 3.5” bays and three 5.25” optical drive bays.
Its not rocket science. Give it a slight harmless nudge and it should go through.
Make sure you are trying to fit it into the ssd tray and not the hdd tray. Then make sure the ports are facing you when you are putting it in. It should slide in easy with little or no effort.
That exactly what i the case on the top of the hardrive slots the ssd slots are located.i tried but its like not going in i dont want to use force on it.i tried to search guides and stuff but nothing.