how to move windows 10 from HDD to SSD


Apr 23, 2015
i dont care how i move it i just want to move the os only to ssd and keep all my data like docs, downloads, and progams on the hdd. plus i have limited space on the ssd and i only want windows to boot fast (i heard windows 10 is like 20 gb). i really dont want to go through the trouble of wipeing everything on my computer and starting all over again
if you make a new windows 10 boot usb stick from windows media creation tool. then unplug your hard drive and boot from the ssd. you can put a clean image on the ssd. you have to then reinstall your programs and games to make new registry links. your steam folder you can reload steam and point to it.

There is no function to move 'only' the OS.
So, let's investigate what you have and what we can do with this.

What size is the new SSD?
How much total used space is on the current C drive or partition?
How much of that is doc/music/funny cat video?
How much of that is Steam games?

That is exact the point. I don't want to reinstall anything and want to keep everything. Just want to move the os

Not counting:
Steam games
doc/music/video ("other data")

How much total used space is there?
As said above, you can't move only the OS. But maybe we can work that C drive to below 200GB, and be viable for a cloning operation. you have another drive available? Either internal or external.
Right now I'm debating on whether or not to even put Windows on the ssd cause Windows takes like 30sec to boot and I don't really mind but if it is possible to only move Windows and keep all the downloads folder, programs , docs etc or else I'm just gonna move my 150gb worth of favorite games on the ssd.
Is there a way I could move steam the program with our loading all the data like family shar info and games and my PC info
I can spare about 60-80gb for Windows but the rest is for gaming. If thee ssd will make my computer boot fast with that much space then I'm ok with or else I will just go with only moving my games and steam like u said

Having an SSD is much more than just 'boot time'.
Noise, heat, overall speed of everything on it.