How To 

How to Mute Tabs in Microsoft Edge


Have you ever had multiple Microsoft Edge tabs open, then suddenly an ad or a video player loads automatically and starts playing audio out of nowhere? It can be pretty annoying.
Microsoft Edge now allows you to mute tabs with just one click without having to physically open the tab to search for and silence the video player.
In this tutorial, we will show you two simple methods to mute tabs in your Microsoft Edge browser.

Method 1: Mute Tabs Using the Audio Icon
1. Click the Audio Icon on the Tab Playing Audio
The tab(s) playing audio will display a clickable audio icon. Simply tap on the icon to mute all audio coming from the tab. Click the audio icon again if you wish to unmute.

Clickable audio tabs were introduced in Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17035. Therefore, if you are running an earlier version of Windows 10, this option will not be available to you.

Method 2: Mute Tab Using Tab Context Menu
1. Open the Tab Context Menu
Right click on the tab playing the audio to open the tab context menu.

2. Mute the tab
On the list of options, select Mute Tab. All audio from the tab in question should now be silenced.

To unmute the tab right click on the tab again to reopen the tab context menu and select Unmute tab.