How to obtain flat folders in Windows 7 ?


Nov 5, 2013
I received a new laptop with Windows 7 at work today and after 10 minutes I decided that I dont like it, cosmetically it is the result of changes for the sake of change. I am not impressed by Microsoft really they should know better. I am now busy trying to recover as much of Windows XP features as I can, one feature at a time as Windows 7 feels as an extremely convoluted, heavy, badly though, badly designed and not intuitive interface. Ok enough rant ! I have some pictures files but the 3 D effect files are extremely impractical for pictures. I have had a look at the icons list and could not find the flat icons. Has anyone managed to get back the excellent XP flat file icons ? Thanks for your help !
Thanks for the advice. Yes, I expect Windows 8 to be worth than Windows 7 since post Win XP things continually went from bad to worse... Our IT department does not have time with this since they have many PCs to deal with. They did not even transfer all my files during the "migration" XP to Win7 which in fact was a laptop replacement with Windows 7 configured & archives. Fortunately I had a full back-up... We are allowed to customise our environment and install our own business software. Getting the correct icons and pictures thumbnails will not be an issue with our IT as it does not compromise security and functionality. I have lready amade several changes as I cannot stand the Windows 7 cosmetics environment so it is now back to Win 2000 / 98. The icons & thumbnails are the next issue I have to resolve. I really dislike Windows 7, I think Microsoft should provide Win X, Win 98 themed buttons with options to forfeit all the un-necessary bells, whistles and "rich experience novelties" or clutter which unfortunately they never miss to add to each of their software iterations since XP.

LOL. +1

I hear the firework display that celebrates a win at Spider Solitaire is quite good on Windows 7 too.

I'm really looking forward to seeing it.
Well the visual options aren't going to effect the enterprise in any way. Many people opt for the classic look.

I don't think the flat folders are available in Windows 7 without downloading a custom theme, but that seems a minor thing to complain about. Everyone complained when they switched from 98 to XP, but the classic views were still there.

You should find that Windows 7 navigation is actually easier once the following is done.

For aesthetics switch to Classic View (right click desktop, personalize).

Classic Start menu (right click the taskbar, properties, "How do I change how the start menu looks" at the bottom)

Taskbar properties will also let you use the classic rectangular objects for each running application if you so choose. (I rather prefer the new stacking method, lets me get more down there and still tell what it is.)

Also in taskbar properties you can place Computer and Network on the desktop.

If you prefer the XP standard look Google"\: XP Luna Theme pack for Windows 7.