How to open "modern windows apps" links in a text editor ?


Jun 21, 2018
I tried to edit those links (desktop shortcuts) with 3 different text editors (notepad, wordpad and notepad++) always getting the same error "catastrophic failure" .

Note that links to "modern windows apps" are different from common links that open without problem.
But they are still files.
So why can't they be edited?
I have ownership over the file and full control.
It makes no sense.
Where does the "catastrophic failure" comes from ?
Why do i have to copy the files to android to edit them?

There has to be a way to edit them in windows !
Of course they are files with a .lnk extension who are you trying to fool ?
I even managed to open them now with a hexeditor (can read the text inside them too)
but i'll keep searching for a text editor to open them because that hexeditor doesn't display the text very well.

And i already said that i can open them in android with text editors so there is no excuse !
OK so it's either the Hex editor or the renaming of the .lnk file through the powershell.
Well thanks and i was kidding 😛
Still ridiculous that you cannot change the extension of .lnk files with windows explorer.