Question How to organize/write my programming notes?


Jun 1, 2020
I don't want to write all notes in single page of joplin or single document of wordpad but I still want to be able to search through the notes properly(advanced search preferred).
How do I manage this?

The reason why I don't want to write everything is one page is because resources are used more when I do it and I don't have a high end laptop.

I don't want to keep the files to joplin alone as well as there's risk of data loss. I want them to be exported regularly to pdf.
So I need something that can effectively search or something which automatically merges pdfs to a single file once exported.

eg: I write doc1 in Joplin. Export it to pdf.
I write doc2 in Joplin. Export it to pdf. Now, it automatically gets merged with doc1.
And so on.


Just to be clear; the requirement is that the various doc's in Jopline get automatically merged when saved - correct?

The applicable word seems to be "combined".

Starter Reference:

You may need some macro, script, or third party app to make the combining automatic.

However, the pitfall with such things is the ability to undo some accidental merging (combining).

Ensure that you are able to undo unwanted merges.