Here are my OC settings for 2140, pretty much the same as you suggest:
(and no, my warranty didn't void, if anyone is curious)
Keep up the good work!
With stable firmwares, you don't overclock GPU with the core_freq keyword. Only experimental/unstable firmwares do that. Instead of it, you can use hdmi_enable_4kp60=1 to overclock from 500 to 550MHz (Videocore GPU). You lose composite video output though, because it reguires cca 360MHz core clock.
force_turbo without overvolting above 6 doesn't void warranty. You can force turbo by using performance governor. Just FYI.
Try this (with root privileges on Ubuntu et all not raspbian) :
for src in arm core h264 isp v3d uart pwm emmc pixel vec hdmi dpi ; do echo -e "$src:\t$(vcgencmd measure_clock $src)" ; done
Here's mine output
without the hdmi_enable_4kp60=1 setting:
arm: frequency(48)=2000531200
core: frequency(1)=500000992
h264: frequency(28)=0
isp: frequency(45)=0
v3d: frequency(46)=500000992
uart: frequency(22)=48001464
pwm: frequency(25)=107143064
emmc: frequency(50)=250000496
pixel: frequency(29)=150002928
vec: frequency(10)=0
hdmi: frequency(0)=0
dpi: frequency(4)=0
with it:
arm: frequency(48)=2000478464
core: frequency(1)=550006336
h264: frequency(28)=0
isp: frequency(45)=0
v3d: frequency(46)=500000992
uart: frequency(22)=48001464
pwm: frequency(25)=107143064
emmc: frequency(50)=250000496
pixel: frequency(29)=150042480
vec: frequency(10)=0
hdmi: frequency(0)=0
dpi: frequency(4)=0
I've just noticed, that if I don't run X window system, the core frequency is locked to arm frequency somewhat or is fluctuating. Definitely it thinks it doesn't need all the power and downclocks the core. More elaboration on this would be required.
Last but not least, to change the scaling governor, use a command:
echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
with root rights (start a root shell by sudo bash for example...)
There are other scaling governors (ondemand, powersave). List them with:
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors
my system shows:
conservative ondemand userspace powersave performance schedutil
This setup is for 4GB model of RPI4, but works the same on 8GB model I also have.