How to overclock Core 2 Quad q6600 CPU on a Foxconn G31MXP motherboard?


Nov 15, 2015
Hi all,

I have decided to OC my Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 CPU on a Foxconn G31MXP motherboard,but I don't know how to do that!

I can't OC it in the BIOS and I would like to OC it only while I am gaming!

And I don't have an additional cooling system for the CPU! Do I must have to buy one if I overclock it,or it won't burn and without it?

Please help me!
Thanks to all in advance!
Best regards!
G31 boards overclock as well as toasters. That and the age of the board stops you from making any decent gains here.

I'd advise against this if you don't have adequate cooling.

With a Foxconn board, locked BIOS, a G31 chipset and no aftermarket cooling there is no chance of overclocking enough to matter.
In the manual, you can overclock in the BIOS.under "Fox Central Control Unit." Set "Fox Intelligent Stepping" to Manual, then pick CPU Clock of 333 for 3.0GHz. Under "Voltage Options" increase CPU voltage slightly.

If you don't have any overclocking options in the BIOS then you can only do a padmod like so and hope it's stable at default voltage:
This is the bottom of the CPU. Just connect the two pads with defroster grid repair paint or a conductive pen so it runs at the board's maximum 1333 FSB (BSEL 266-333 padmod).
If it's the only computer you have it's not worth trying. If it's an extra you can afford to lose then by all means try the mod.

Even if you have a 'golden chip' you lack the board quality and cooling to go over about 3Ghz. 3Ghz is not going to change anything noticeably from stock.

Dear BFG-9000,yes I found that option to increase the CPU clock in the FOX Intelligent Stepping,and I increased it to 332 (that was the max value) , but I forgot to increase the voltage,and I don't know to which value to set it!

The monitor now is black screened with the white underline on the left of the top of the monitor,and there is some beeping noise from the computer case! I tried to access the BIOS for several times but it doesn't work!

Please help me! Oh I think I am gonna die! Pleaseee help!
Clear CMOS either with the jumper on the board or by removing the battery from the motherboard for a few minutes.

Without knowing your full system specs and establishing that you have a basic level of knowledge it is irresponsible to throw out overclock settings. As I said above unless you can afford to break this system it's not worth trying. The gains will be too small to notice assuming you can get it working and stable.

Is there a way I can fix this problem without touching the hardware?

It really depends on the VID of your particular chip. Bump it up just a little, and it shouldn't require more than 1.3750v at 3.0GHz no matter how poor your chip is

G0 stepping Q6600 at 3.0GHz uses about the same power as a B3 stepping @ stock, about 105w. So no it doesn't require any different cooling and I have had many running overclocked for 10 years in various locked Dells, Lenovos and HPs. Back then it was a sizeable bump in performance but nowadays it would still be a slug (yet more pleasant to use than an Atom).

So risk-benefit analysis shows little gain for little risk--after all the entire system with many salvageable parts is worth well under $50. And of course the overclock is free if it works.

Performance of C2Q actually approaches the 65w Sandy/Ivy i3s or 35w Haswell Pentiums for things that aren't memory bandwidth limiting (ie not games, Winzip) at around 3.8GHz, but considering that's ~160w@45nm or 230w@65nm the board + cooling would indeed not be easy or cheap! So even if you don't pay for electricity, the money would be much better put towards a more modern system, even new. A pity about DDR4 pricing as the 3x faster Ryzen APU + board are so cheap now.

Thank you! But this time I would like to know how to overclock it really properly and safely ,so I don't get in like in the previous situation where I got the beeping sound from the case ,and the black screen with the white underline!

And also please tell me which voltage should work best for me?
So risk-benefit analysis shows little gain for little risk--after all the entire system with many salvageable parts is worth well under $50.

This is true for you and me. Is it also true for someone who has this system and can't even afford an aftermarket cooler much less a completely new system? You ( I assume ) and I can use ebay but what about users in India, Pakistan or the Philippines? What if clearing CMOS hadn't worked because auto voltage settings fried something? Context is important here. Just because you can does not mean they should. Perhaps pin mods aren't where someone who obviously has no knowledge and no backup system should start?

Start reading here. When you understand what it is you're doing then it's time to overclock.


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