How to overclock / is there a reason to?


Sep 18, 2013
I recently got a new GPU and it hasn't really shown that great of performance as it should. I went from an AMD 7750 to an Asus GTX 650ti 1gb VRAM. There was a noticeable increase in performance but not as it should (My PC should perform much better than it does now). I cannot play games that should run fine using it. So I researched a bit and found out that your CPU can hold back your GPU or GPU holding back your CPU. So I assumed my graphics card was too good for my CPU and found out that over clocking can fix this/?



AMD FX-8350 8 Core Processor

Asus GTX 650ti 1GB VRAM

Windows 8

8GB of RAM

1080p HD display

750V Power Supply


Ask below for more detailed specs if you'd like.

Kind of out of category but maybe installed it wrong? (The gpu)

Please reply and help me solve an issue I've had for a while, any help is appreciated! Thank you in advance!
No, your CPU is definitely not bottle-necking either a 7750 or a 650ti.

What games are you playing?
At what graphics settings? .
What kind of FPS are you getting right now as compared to before?
Have you installed the newest drivers?
Did you clean sweep before you installed new drivers?
what is your monitor/resolution setup?
What motherboard are you using?
What cooler are you using on your CPU?
What case do you have?
A 650 ti will do fine even with a fx 4300 (i have them both so i am sure of that)and you have a fx 8350 which is much faster. is the low performance evident in all games or just a title or two. run some synthetic benchmarks and give us the results.
It's mostly every game that I pass the recommended specs on, it's weird. I'm using 1080p via HDMI.

I'm playing games like, Garry's mod, CS:GO, Minecraft, Next car game, GTA, Just Cause 2, Nether, and a bunch of other big titled steam games. Most run at 60 fps but when there's a hint of particles, dust, or like more than one object in motion it goes to like 30. My Minecraft is the only game that this doesn't happen with. I'm pretty sure I did a clean sweep of everything before I started installing it, I went through a tutorial online. I did convert to Nvidia from amd. All game graphics are on high, no anti aliasing or msaa. It's just I've seen people with very similar builds and they run these games fine! My mother board isn't a big brand named one, it's a gigabyte one I think. Here's a link to every spec and detail on my computer OTHER than the PSU and the GPU, these were my recent upgrades. Link: