How to Overclock Vengeance


How to properly overclock Corsair Vengeance 1600MHz 9-9-9-24 4gB sticks.
I tried to do his on my own but nothing has worked yet so please guide me in the right direction.
Motherboard: Gigabyte ex58-ds4
CPU: i7 980
Ram: Corsair Vengeance 1600MHz 9-9-9-24 6x4gB
CPU cooler: thermalright ultra 120 extreme rev.c

Also is there a need for a extra ram cooler(extra fans or something similar)
I dont know much about RAM overclocking and even I know that's not how its done.
Overclocking RAM is a lot more complex than it is with a CPU or GPU, and the performance gain is pretty negligible compared to the other components as well. Most people just don't bother overclocking their RAM for that reason.

Do some research on the topic, but don't be surprised if a lot of it flies over your head. I tried to learn it a while ago and gave up after a while.
I'm rusty on overclocking on 775, but wouldn't a BLCK of 200 pretty much fry everything?

That being said, manofchalk pretty much nailed it; overclocking RAM doesn't work like that, and is very much a more complicated process. It's also absolutely not needed in your case; your ram isn't even going to come close to bottlenecking your system.
775? It is an LGA1366 socket with a i7 980.
Also the ram is fine if I run 64 bit (which i use for ram intensive tasks) but it really lags on a 32bit OS(which I use for games, and media)
I know ram overclocking is a very complicated process, so I came here to get some insight into it.
Then the speed of your memory isnt the issue, its the capacity the OS is capable of accessing. A 32bit OS can only use about 3.25GB of RAM, while I believe a 64bit OS has a theoretical limit of something ridiculous like 4.5TB.

Why would you use a 32bit OS outright?
I didn't have 24gigs 3 years back, I only had 3gB (3x1gB) at that time. And if I remember correctly the main reason I switched to 32bit was due to some games not running properly on 64bit. Since I didn't have 4gB of ram then I didn't care about going from 64bit to 32bit. Also the 1gB cards were much faster than the vengeance cards that I now own. Now that I have 4gB cards the I have a 64bit OS which I use for most things except entertainment, for that I still use 32bit.
I need to OC my ram because the vengeance cards are slower than my old XMS cards and Firefox crashes all the time(the previous versions of Firefox didn't use 2+gigs of memory.

That means your old ram had a response time of 10 ns, and your new ram has a response time of 11.25 ns.

You're worrying about a difference that's less than one and a half nanoseconds.