How to persuade my parents to buy me components for christmas for my first PC build


Aug 14, 2016
Hello there, I allways dreamed of building myself a computer and I seen so much of this on youtube, facebook pages etc. etc. Could anyone help me how to persuade my parents to buy me an enter level gaming components? I will also include a link of my build guide, however the prices for some reason went up a bit so I would have to wait anyway. My parents are definitelly not gonna pay the full price of course but the easiest thing is to get a job and earn money, however it is a bit hard to work if you are a student who is compliting their GCSE. Btw if you know any other thing I could improve on my build, feel free to comment:

in theory building a pc isnt difficult

its when you push the power button that first time and either nothing happens or something happens that isnt meant to

thats when things get interesting

there are probably tens of thousands of people using just this one forum and god knows how many forums there are in the world

you are talking about millions of people needing to use these forums after they thought

"but come on is it hard to build your own PC?"

and to be frank what your parents decide to or not to spend their money on just isnt anything to do with this forum

sorry if that sounds cruel but its their money to do with as they please
since you are in the uk

only thing i can think of to influence your parents

thats assuming they are worried about can you actually build it yourself--not about the cost

if they dont want to spend the money thats different entirely and no reason why we should try to persuade them

if you have never built a pc and they are worried over that

buy the parts from

they are the only site i know who will sell you build insurance for your components you buy

if you break anything building it they replace it

and the insurance is reasonable cost compared to the cost of the components it covers

Ask if no then save up the money. Btw don't get a Z170 motherboard as you don't have a cpu that can overclock and it's just a waste of money. Btw I asked if I could borrow 500 euro for my first new gaming pc and told them I would pay them back in 1 year + 50 euro extra. That's how I got mine otherwise I wouldn't have been able to continue in school.

Well I agree with you however I have refurbished iPhones and Samsung tablets which is quiet a complicated thing. Okay, you might say that building a computer isn't the same as replacing a battery in an iPhone but come on is it hard to build your own PC? I saw too many videos on youtube... I think they are more worried to spend their money on something which "I won't use or will be quiet useless", because I already got a laptop. I wanted to upgrade from a laptop to something better however I'm worried as well if it is going to be better for the price... But personally I chosed the most suitable components for myself. I used the Z-type motherboard because people suggest to buy it straight and than just upgrade to unlocked CPU, otherwise I'm not to sure if there is much price difference between the H170 motherboard and the Z-type of motherboard. And the only thing you might be worried about my thing is the HDD. I heard that they are not as reliable as WD however they cost less and I would get 2x the storage.
in theory building a pc isnt difficult

its when you push the power button that first time and either nothing happens or something happens that isnt meant to

thats when things get interesting

there are probably tens of thousands of people using just this one forum and god knows how many forums there are in the world

you are talking about millions of people needing to use these forums after they thought

"but come on is it hard to build your own PC?"

and to be frank what your parents decide to or not to spend their money on just isnt anything to do with this forum

sorry if that sounds cruel but its their money to do with as they please