How to play games with two monitors?


Aug 11, 2015
Hi, I wanted to ask, how can I play games on dual monitors? I know there's going to be a bezel right down the middle but I'm not setting it up like that. I'm going to put one monitor in the middle facing me and another one next to it curved. I have a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750ti and I know NVIDIA Surround doesn't support 2 monitor gaming that's why I'm asking this question in the first place. So do you know any way I could play games with 2 monitors? If you do please let me know!

If I set that resolution in that game, will it automatically stretch across the whole screen or do I have to do another thing?
Yes, it will stretch across both screen. But the game has to support that resolution. Sometimes you can get away by creating your own resolution by editing a .ini file, but do some research on the games you want to play. If it doesn't work. It's not a big deal, 2 monitors for 1 game isn't optimal, because your character/weapon/sword what have you, will be in the middle.

I've researched about 2 monitors on the game I wanted to play and it said I could "trick the game" into thinking I have a third monitor using this tool called "SoftTH". Do you anything about this program? If you do, can you please tell me how this works. Thanks.