[SOLVED] How to power up a 24 pin motherboard using a 6 pin psu?


Feb 14, 2017
I have a GA-H110M-Gaming 3 and I would like to use the 320W PSU from my HP Elitedesk 800 G1 to power the motherboard. Problem is the h110m motherboard has 24 pin while the hp psu only has 6 pin. I've seen someone from youtube using a standard 24 pin psu to power up the HP 800 G1 using a 24 to 6 pin adapter. But I've not seen one yet using the HP PSU to power up a standard 24 pin motherboard. Is it possible? I would not want the hp psu to go to waste specially since it is 80 plus platinum rating.
You don't.
Instead, you buy a PSU that is relevant to the motherboard and system.

Or fine...glom on to whatever comments you get relating to some adapter that may possibly connect that low grade proprietary PSU to your ATX motherboard.
Mushroom cloud optional.