Question How to prepare my pc before leaving it at the local electronics shop for cleaning


Mar 2, 2017
Just what the title says. I need to get my pc cleaned and therefore im willing to bring it to the local electronics shop but im concerned that they might take a look at my data. I figured that i'd take out the hard drive and the ssd before bringing the pc there, is that enough or do i take out the ram too? Might be a stupid question for you guys but i really have no idea what to do.
He means the inside of the case, CPU cooler, fans, chassis internal cleaned, not hard drive cleaned. He specifically mentioned removing the drives because he's worried about them accessing his personal information, which has to make you wonder just what, exactly, is on there that they are worried about somebody else seeing?
A quick clean takes 5 minutes. And a can of compressed air. An a*al retentive clean can take over an hour.

A pc shop will charge you a bench fee for a quickie clean, usually that's shop rates of @ $100 for an hour or any part thereof. So a totally thorough clean can cost as much as $200 (ish) depending on how unscrupulous the shop is.

Just password protect your windows, they'd have to crack that in order to read any user data. And honestly there's no need to even plug it in and turn it on.