How to print on wide paper with an epson fx2190 dot matrix


Dec 31, 2007
I am trying to print on an Epson fx2190 wide body dot matrix printer. I need to print these little labels that are used in our factory. We have been using our legacy system and a high speed impact printer but need to move the operation over to a PC with windows 7. Epson had a driver for Windows 7 and I am able to print to the fx2190. My problem is that the driver does not allow me to print to the wide body paper. When you go into the options of the printer in any program such as MS Word, there is no option for that size paper. Has anyone had this problem and figured a way to print to the wide paper? Any help would be great.
Are you wishing to print to commercial label sheets? If yes, to need to access the 'Labels' options in Microsoft Word where you'll find a list of brands and label sheet reference numbers:

Word 2010:

Word 2007:

If none of the labels matches those you are wishing to print to, click "New" in the label options box to set up a custom size.


Thanks for the reply. This is what tried first, the label feature in MS Word 2010. I selected custom label, then filled in the blanks. I made a 3" wide label. I then told it to print and it would only print two across. I think it goes back to the driver which doesn't have any paper option for anything other than 8.5 wide. I was hoping someone would tell me that there is a different driver that I needed, or an option in the driver I am missing to set.
I was mistakenly thinking you used the same printer successfully on your previous PC, now realise that was a different printer.

The FX-2190 is restricted to paper 8.5-inches max width if using continuous roll paper with the Epson roll attachment attachment so I suspect that's what you are using.

Although that model can print on paper up to 16.5 inches wide, that applies only to single sheets or continuous sheets which are not on a roll and therefore do not require the Epson paper-roll attachment.
