How to properly set the virtual memory for gaming?


Nov 15, 2015
Hi all,

I would like to know how to properly set my virtual memory for gaming!

I have only two partitions,one is on my SSD where the OS is installed,and the another partition is on my HDD,where are my games installed!

So which virtual memory should I set,the one of my SSD where is the OS,or on the HDD where are the games?

Please help me!
Thanks in advance!
Best regards!

For 16GB RAM and a 128GB SSD....set the pagefile size to 2GB min/max, and leave it on the SSD.

16 GB of RAM and 128 GB SSD.

What if I set it for the both partitions (SSD where is the OS,or HDD where are the games?)?

For 16GB RAM and a 128GB SSD....set the pagefile size to 2GB min/max, and leave it on the SSD.

Thank you!