How to put a used sata hdd into a new pc so i have 2 hdd


Aug 8, 2015
The situation is this:
I had an all in one ace aspire pc, and suddenly broke down. A black screen appears saying "select proper boot device", etc. And in the BIOS panel the HDD is not recognised neither the ODD. So i'm guessing is the motherboard? Because few times it actually booted and started correctly just to die later.Anyways, repairing the all in one is not longer so important because i bought a new tower pc.The important matter here is that i have 250gb of lots of games, music, and photos in the old hard drive ( that if the hdd itself is not the problem).
So, my idea was to install the old sata hdd in the new pc to see if it works and was not the problem in the all in one. And then recover all my data by copying-pasting all files.
MY QUESTION IS: is it ok to do this? will the old hdd f**k up my new pc? what problems will i have?
My old hdd is a WD BLUE 500GB WD5000AAKX
My new motherboard is a GIGABYTE AM1M-S2H
by the way both pc's have windows 7.
please help!! THANK YOU!
Hi there angel643,

As lonewolf7 already mentioned, if your WD drive is in a good shape, you should have no issues with attaching it to your new system and accessing the files. You just need to set your new HDD as the boot one(adjust boot order in BIOS).
I don't really think that anything will happen to your new computer even if there is something wrong with the drive. You may not be able to retrieve the data though.(this really depends on what is wrong with the HDD)

You can test your WD drive with WD's Data Lifeguard Diagnostic tool in order to see whether there is something wrong with it:

Let me know how this goes,