How to reduce bottleneck?


Aug 17, 2018
Many people said that im having high cpu usage and high gpu usage because my cpu is bottlenecking.
Full specs:
16 gb ram
2 ssd,1 hdd
GTX 1060 gigabyte mini itx oc 6 gb
What to do with this?how to reduce the usage/bottlenecking?

"many people" say a lot of crap.
Are you personally noticing any performance issues?

High CPU usage + high GPU usage = a balanced system. Working as advertised.
You really only have a couple of options to reduce a CPU bottleneck. You can increase the resolution in gaming. So going to 1440p from 1080p will put more stress on the GPU, moving the bottleneck. The problem is your GPU is not going to be able to push modern AAA games at 1440p.

Or you can get a new CPU. You dont have a bad CPU, but in some games that are CPU heavy, such as BF1, you will want a CPU with 8 threads. Yours only has 4. But it is still a decent CPU and will be perfectly fine for many games. If you were to upgrade, I would look for a used 6700/7700 as those CPUs are very good and will drop right into your current system.
I'd agree with everyone else. You have a pretty balanced system. The only thing holding you back a little is the 4c/4t CPU, which as feelingfroggy777 said 'can' impact games, BF1 being one of them. So to void that upgrading the CPU is viable, and the 1060 still capable for a year or two at 1080p 60FPS with high/ultra.
what games are you playing that cause the stuttering. What in-game settings are you using. There are various things you can do to reduce the usage. If your running Ultra settings, dial it back to high and see if that alleviates the stuttering. Monitor CPU usage with HWMon and see if your still hitting 100% CPU usage.
If so, then for some of the games you're playing will benefit from a 7700/7700k which you cut put in. That would give you a small bump in FPS, but more importantly more CPU resources so you won't stutter and the CPU won't max out while you are playing! What motherboard do you have? That will tell us what CPU you could upgrade to.
I would like to upgrade to i7-7700k as thats the maximum for my asus b250 plus.
Im playing pubg at ultra,fortnite high but still stutters and high usage,rainbow six siege.
I did the hwmonitor before.
What res monitor do you have? if it's 1080p 60hz, then use Vsync, and the stuttering will stop. That will reduce GPU and CPU and give you more room to work.
If you find you have delayed mouse reaction while gaming (lag) then switch it back. You can find a balance though. Try adaptive V-sync in the Nvidia Global settings. It works very well.

many folks get a botched system occasionally with assorted driver and/or WIndows updates nuking something or reverting to MS' defaults by mistake...

Although a 4c/4t CPU is hardly optimal for many games these days, it should still be adequate for most folks, especially with a GTX1060 in a 60 Hz refresh environment/non-streaming scenario... (Many folks clear their stutter issues by full system wipe/reloads.

A food for thought tidbit--- a new 7700K costs about as much as a new 8600K and B360 mainboard combined these days...