How to remove ALL preinstalled apps in windows 8.1

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Aug 21, 2011
Hey Guys

as you know there are two ways to Remove windows 8.1 Preinstalled apps

1. PowerShell Command
2. Win8AppRemover

OK , now

when i try PowerShell Command it removes almost all of the apps
BUT ( Photos , Camera & SkyDrive )

& when i try "Win8AppRemover" , i choose online path & then click on "List all apps"
i select them all & hit the remove button , it takes a while & all the options get grayed out as a sign of being removed but i still have them .

Can some one please explain why these two conditions happen ? & how do i get rid of them all including those i have mentioned up there & thx alot :)
I've been fishing through google trying to resolve the same issue.
(I don't exactly need the disk space; I just prefer to have a completely streamlined, personalized OS...and don't have time these days to learn all about Linux, lol)

Anyways, plaintuts is probably right. The OS is built to accommodate a trend towards cloud storage/ even if scheduled Windows Updates are disabled and you get rid of services like RDC that could contact their servers in the background, it may be futile.

That said, I think it's possible.
This is going to sound stupid, but I think the key lies in the method to deleting the system Desktop icons.

TrustedInstaller. This is the owner of many of the registry keys that MS doesn't want anyone...
you can just go to control panel and uninstall programs there..

i know this not what you meant, but the "apps" you want to remove is always backed up in the windows store and your OS, similar to the bloatware you find on your smartphone. thus the zombie like behavior.
bloatware on Phones can be deleted by rooting & use of few tools

So im so sure these stuff can be deleted to . as i said i could get rid of all of the preinstalled apps but ( photos , camera & sky drive )

& theres alreadya TOOL for removing these apps . donno why it doesnt work fine .
Oh god no what the hell ? 😀 i meant you can always change everything . Rooting is an option for phone to get admin rights & get rid of those bloatware

i asked Totally different thing . & your answer is like im the first one trying to remove pre installed apps .

i just asked how to get rid of few more apps ( photos , camera & skydrive ) , powershell command got rid of most of the apps . & that tool has worked for some people it just doesnt do anything for me . i was just asking for some instruction here or a way to get rid of PHOTOS CAMERA & SKY DRIVE apps .

let me rephrase my answer.

yes im aware that, others have used powershell to remove the apps that cannot be uninstalled. why?

because windows 8 is a multiplatform operating system, which means tablets and some phones use them aswell,
like i have said the apps are "backed-up" in the windows appstore and in the OS.

thus, my comparison to rooting a smartphone because every time the OS updates, it re installs the apps.
I have turned off windows updates & what are you asking me to do exactly ?

Uninstall can only remove some of the apps . OK have any body used Win8AppRemover ?

& spots all of the preinstalled apps & when i remove the apps they are still there its like no change has been made . sorry for taking your time . i feel like im asking a very Strange question
but That's not removing , the app will remain in HDD anyway .

i wish i could get rid of CAMERA , SKYDRIVE & PHOTOS . i got rid of the rest . i googled alot about & couldnt find anything useful .

anyway thx alot for all answers 😉

I've been fishing through google trying to resolve the same issue.
(I don't exactly need the disk space; I just prefer to have a completely streamlined, personalized OS...and don't have time these days to learn all about Linux, lol)

Anyways, plaintuts is probably right. The OS is built to accommodate a trend towards cloud storage/ even if scheduled Windows Updates are disabled and you get rid of services like RDC that could contact their servers in the background, it may be futile.

That said, I think it's possible.
This is going to sound stupid, but I think the key lies in the method to deleting the system Desktop icons.

TrustedInstaller. This is the owner of many of the registry keys that MS doesn't want anyone to tamper with. Except, if you're an Admin you can give yourself full permission too and modify what you want.

The files you want deleted (camera.exe, filemanager.exe, and photosapp.exe) are guarded by the same owner.

Though I'm not sure yet how to do it, I think the apps removal relies on 2 things:
1) Elevating your permissions of those program folders
2) Removing write permissions from TrustedInstaller (otherwise Microsoft will undelete them)

that's my theory at least

I tested this with camera.exe by giving myself Full Control permission over the program folder (and all contained objects) and limiting permission for all other users to Read. Likewise, I deleted all program files, but left the folders themselves intact. My logic being that if the server sees the folder exists, it won't try and create a functional replacement.
I then rebooted.

The Camera app icon is still visible on the start screen, but clicking just opens an empty frame (no user interface or any other indication that an operation is performed)
...So all that remains now is determining how to get rid of that last little fragment.

Ditto with filemanager and photosapp, no adverse outcome.
OH good move 😀 .

ok i know those 3 are different than other metro apps , but App remover tool
out there includes camera & photos in its list . that means they both can get removed by this little tool . but anyway this app have not worked for me

i wonder why no body use that app or at least comment about it

any way thanks a lot for HELP dude ;D . MS could always leave us a choice but forcing us to use something we really don't want to .
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