How to remove GPU from PCIE Slot with latch/clip that accidentally broke/snapped


Dec 22, 2017
I was trying to remove my Graphics Card earlier for an upgrade, however when i was removing the card, i accidentally used too much force and as a result, the latch snapped and broke off. I'm really in a bad situation right now because I dont know if I'll ever be able to remove the card from the slot at this point because the latch fell off. Can anyone help me please. thankyou very much
This may not be the best advice, but:
I could never figure out how to release the latch due to it being completely covered by my graphics card. I don't know if I just didn't think of using a screwdriver, or if I tried and things were just too cramped for even that to work (I have a small case and micro ATX mobo). So several times when I had to remove my graphics card I just sort of yanked it out after removing the screws. The latch would either unlock or pop off entirely (probably how I lost it). So you could try just giving it a firm tug.

Again, this is probably not great advice (especially if the latch on your slot is not as flimsy as mine was and something else gives before it does), just saying what worked for me.

i dont know. the card still seem to be stuck in the slot. the latch broke and i think the the part that fell off was only a piece of the latch. i think the small part of the latch that was broken is still inside
It sounds like the handle part of the latch broke off and the card is still latched in place. Can you remove the motherboard from the case with the GPU still installed? If so you might be able to get a better angle to use a small screwdriver to unlock the latch.

thanks. will try. is there any bad effect to not having a latch in the pcie slot?

actually i thought i already did, so i went on to press the latch to remove the card. i just recalled i didnt after i broke it already . so yeah, pretty dumb of me . i actually want to punch myself in the face for this lol
Lol, no worries. Regarding your question about it being ok to not have a PCIe latch: I was messing around in my PC yesterday and discovered that my latch seems to have disappeared. No idea how long it's been missing, and no ill effects. So you should be fine.

that's good to know. thanks a lot. i guess now my only problem now is getting that old gpu of mine out of that damn pcie slot
This may not be the best advice, but:
I could never figure out how to release the latch due to it being completely covered by my graphics card. I don't know if I just didn't think of using a screwdriver, or if I tried and things were just too cramped for even that to work (I have a small case and micro ATX mobo). So several times when I had to remove my graphics card I just sort of yanked it out after removing the screws. The latch would either unlock or pop off entirely (probably how I lost it). So you could try just giving it a firm tug.

Again, this is probably not great advice (especially if the latch on your slot is not as flimsy as mine was and something else gives before it does), just saying what worked for me.
There are literally engineered to shattered before damaging the slot... otherwise the RMA dep would be flooded with busted PCIe slots given how common this issue is.

I really mean engineered, It's a talking point in the specs sheet when you buy PCIe slots in bulk.

given that i probably have to explore all sorts of options here, i'd take it. i actually think it might be worth a try. thanks a lot mate ! really appreciate it :)


thanks ! so i guess i wont have to worry about my pcie slot being damaged then