How to remove GTA 5 intro pictures?1

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Mar 31, 2014
Hey guys.,
I'm playing GTA 5 and i was annoyed of the pics that show up on the game loading screen. Is there any way that i could remove the picture of a Bikini Girl on the loading screen of the game?
But Kate Upton is so hot :C

Theoretically you can go into the game's registry and mess with the splash art, but unless you know exactly what you are doing, you're probably going to break the game and have to reinstall.

You can also install GTA V on an SSD to cut down on the loading time, thus minimizing the loading screen time.

Seriously though, why the hate on pretty ladies?
@ Praveen926 - Unfortunately, changing the game in such a way would be considered "hacking" and that is a topic that is strictly prohibited on this site.

@ StarChief - Please remember that this is a Global community and that in some places, such imagery is considered vulgar.

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