How to remove partition Disk 0 and merge it back to Disk 1


Nov 3, 2016
Hi Gents,

Can someone help me please. I was trying to remove the partition 1 (Disk 0) and merge it back to partition 2 (Disk 1).

Btw i'm just using 1 physical HDD and it's 1 tera in size. Cause before I have only Disk 0 and it

came to my mind I want to separate (partitioned) some drives so to not to mess it up with my other

Drives. And this what has happened to my Disks.

Someone has told me to remove it from my laptop and use the HDD as a external HDD and Diskpart (clean) it with the other computer.


Please see attached Photo for your reference.

Thanks and kind regards,


Hi Liquid,

I just want to remove or move the Disk 0 back to Disk 1. But anyways thanks for the tip!

Any tip on how to delete the Disk 0?. I know that Disk 1 cannot be Disktpart (clean) due to it contains the Drive C

in which my OS was there.

Kind regards,


Your post is confusing about what you did and what you are trying to do. You said you have one 1tb drive, but you have two drives not one. You also can't merge a 1 TB drive into a 120 GB drive, it's just impossible due to size. You may want to re-word what you are asking or get a friend that knows about computers help you ask the right question.

Are you trying to change hard drives in the laptop, is that what you are doing? Replacing the 120 gb drive with the new 1 TB drive?

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