how to reorder hard disks

May 1, 2018
in disk management I see that C (system) is in disk 3
how can I reorder disks do that disk1 will contain C etc
Do I have to change sata sockets on board? in which order? or is it in the BIOS
I'm in windows 10 pro with Gigabyte Z87 board
thank you


Disk 0, 1, 2, 3 refer to the physical SATA ports on the motherboard.
You need to change the actual port the drive(s) are connected to.

Changing this after the OS install may break it.
So...if ain't currently broke, leave it alone until the next time you install a clean OS.


Go into Disk management and on the lower section of the right hand pane, you should see the drive and their drive letters. Right click on them and change the drive letters.

For what you want to do, you should reinstall your OS with the boot drive connected off of SATA port 0 and have all other drives disconnected. This is how it'll come up as Disk 0/1.

On another note, I'd suggest you leave it as is. If it aint broke, don't fix it.



Disk 0, 1, 2, 3 refer to the physical SATA ports on the motherboard.
You need to change the actual port the drive(s) are connected to.

Changing this after the OS install may break it.
So...if ain't currently broke, leave it alone until the next time you install a clean OS.


Mar 10, 2017
**I'm coming from Windows 7 Pro management, adjust my ideas to suit your Windows OS **

If you desire to re-order your HDs eventually, first consider do this: give each hard-drive partition a unique name. For example, I have my internal hard-drive's C (OS) partition and my D(ata) partition named S03[174]C and S03[174]D respectively. My other laptop uses YT0 rather than 174. One laptop is S02, the other laptop is S03. Reason for 174 and YT0 -- the hard-drives contain those numbers as part of their respective serial numbers. What that does: no matter what USB or DVD is booted, no matter what internal OS is booted -- I instantly know each partition and each hard-drive via any disk manager, backup/restore utility, and so on. Drive letter assignments by such boots don't matter, I still know each partition and each hard-drive.

Now, how does all of that apply to you? If or when you decide to physically place the hard-drives on the cabling / in the drive bays -- in the order you want them to be; upon any Disk Management utility USB or DVD boot, you will know which partition should be Active (System Reserved partition for Windows 7), you will know to mark C (OS) partition Primary (and Active if no System Reserved partition). I think all other partitions that you created are marked Logical.

There are some partitions created by Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 -- these should not be label-changed nor drive letter assigned. For example: recovery partitions created by computer manufacturer, boot partitions by Windows.
May 1, 2018
thank you USAFRet
it worked like hell
why do I want to do it?
I'm using a backup program: Acronis True Image
if disks are not ordered, when recovering Acronis does not recognize system drive as C and recovers it to some odd letter and I have extra work to rearrange it (like good old hiren boot cd). needless to say that some odd letter is not active and pc will not boot
it was a very short time work (only 4 disks and dvd) and I hope now it will be ok