How to secure myself from my ISP Admin & other LAN Host


Nov 28, 2012
I have using Broadband cable connection. Which is provided by local ISP. The connection type is like, shared/distributed from a single router to many host (users like me).
So, I think my ISP admin can enter/manipulate my system without a valid consent of me 🙁. And could theft my privacy information. That is very much worried for me.
In this case I want to secure myself from ISP admin as well as other host exist on LAN.
At best they could know my MAC address, IP, and Host Name. They should not retrieve/get any privacy information from my system.
Please advice me how could I restrict their unauthorized access to my PC.
Thanks in advance.
The ISP admin has no more access to your computer than anyone else on the Internet. And there are probably people out there who are a whole lot more scary than your ISP admin, who has his professional reputation to consider.

Just apply the same security principles as you would on any computer - disable "guest" accounts, make sure all accounts have strong passwords, and run a firewall that blocks all communications but those that you specifically allow. And don't worry about the professional network administrators - they are not the threat that should concern you.