How to Set a Vacation Responder in Yahoo Mail

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Aug 22, 2014
You can use a vacation responder to inform your colleagues and friends that you are away. Each recipient will receive a personalized email response written by you. Be sure to inform recipients within the email when they should expect to hear back from you once you have returned.

Follow the steps below to set a vacation responder with Yahoo Mail.
Step 1: Open up your web browser and log into your Yahoo Mail account.
Step 2: You will notice your settings icon, which looks like a gear located on the top right hand corner of your screen. Click on the gear and select “Settings.”

Step 3: You will want to select the dates that you wish the response to be sent by clicking “Enable during these dates.”

Step 4: Write your desired response in the “message” section and include an appropriate subject header. Your response will be sent as a reply to an email sent to your during the designated dates that you will be away.

Step 5: Save your changes at the bottom of the page.

Recap: You reserve the option to change your message at any given time, adjust the period for which you will be away, or select specific messages for specific people should they email you during this time. Always make sure to save your changes when you are finished.

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