How to set games to run at 75 Hz instead of 60?


Feb 11, 2018
I overclocked my monitor from 60 Hz to 75 Hz, but the games will still run in 60. I overclocked my monitor because at 1920x1080 on 60 hz was blurry, so I overclocked it to 120 Hz, it worked, no problems, but I only need 75 Hz. So how do run games at 75 Hz?
Question from adychannel01 : "How to set games run to 75 Hz instead of 60?"

Something is WRONG:

1) what MONITOR do you have?

2) monitor should NOT be blurry at all let alone tied to the refresh rate

3) You overclocked a 60Hz monitor to 120Hz? I highly doubt that.

4) The FPS output by games is either capped due to:
a) hardware bottleneck (CPU, GPU), or
b) VSYNC being enabled in game (so FPS at most matches the monitor refresh)
c) manual FPS cap (no VSYNC)

*very few games are capped to 60FPS because you enabled VSYNC if the monitor is higher than 60Hz. If you still get 60FPS in all games I expect the monitor is still at 60Hz so not clear what's going on.

The drawback of course is you get screen tearing without VSYNC assuming it's a non-Freesync/GSync setup (which it surely is).

I like to use Adaptive VSYNC for a few games like Assassin's Creed Ultra. It toggles VSYNC ON and OFF. I adjust game settings to get roughly 90% locked to 60FPS (60Hz monitor) and 10% or less drops below.

With Adaptive VSYNC I get VSYNC ON to avoid screen tearing but if I can't achieve it I want VSYNC OFF to avoid VSYNC added stutter (when you can't match the FPS to the refresh).

There ARE situations where capping the FPS is ideal (without VSYNC) so it's a tradeoff whether you find screen tearing worse or the added lag worse.

Finally, the higher the Hz/FPS ratio the less screen tearing you get with VSYNC OFF. For example let's say you get about 48FPS for Tomb Raider on a 144Hz monitor. That means 2 of 3 monitor refreshes on average have no new data, hence less screen tearing.

I use a TV, that's how I OCed it to 120 hz, no doubts. The TV it's "full hd" but when I used a VGA cable the max resolution was 768p (native) and when I changed to HDMI the resolution went up to 1080p but native was still 768p and when I change to something above 768p the screen gets a bit blurry and more
blue, if I can say so.
that blurry thing is tv issue
otherwise hdmi cable is still locked to 60hz
overclocked tv to 120hz hmm is it really Hz or MCI (motion index)
check in disply properties (windows)

as for tearing, i have no issues with tearing here...only some old games doin that (lets say doom 3)

It s not a tv issue