How to set second hard drive as main storage device?


Jun 10, 2015
I have two storage devices one is a rather small SS with the OS and a few games on and the other is a 2tbHDD. I want to so the HDD is where I store most of my documents and most games. The problem is i'm not sure how to do this. I tried moving my downloads folder in by going in to properties and it just made me download onto the empty HDD. I then went back into properties and did restore to default but ti would give me a prompt with yes or no (can't remember what it said) and i would click yes it would then give me an error. I tried this again and said no. It moved it back to it's original place one my SSD but when i download something it still just puts it onto my HDD. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Also would I need to somehow move the Program files (x86) for this to work. This is the first PC i've built and I'm a little lost here.

I fixed the issue with the download location (something rather silly xD) but still want to have the HDD as my main location.
Which browser are you downloading thru ? Most of them have setting to choose where to download. You may have to do that with of the browsers you use as well as any programs for downloading like uTorrent etc.
Most programs would let you change location during installation so you can have them install on second drive while they would keep just parts in C: drive. Lot's of space on OS drive could be saved like that while having small or no impact on their performance.