Question How to set the High performance power mode automatically only while gaming?


Nov 15, 2015
Hi to all,

I would like to know how to automatically switch from Balanced to High or Ultimate performance power mode in Win 10 only while gaming?

I'd like to set the maximum processor state to 100% automatically only while gaming, and then back to 99% for the rest of the time.

But I would like to do this without any 3rd party software.

Please help me.

Thanks to all in advance.

This makes zero difference...well ok it makes 1% of difference but that 1% makes no difference.
If the max where limited to 50-60% in balanced then it would make sense to change it to 100% but from 99 to 100?

Thank you for replying!
I just want to disable the Intel Turbo Boost while idle,and use it only while gaming ,but without need of 3rd party software to do that with.