How to set up QoS on this router?


Nov 6, 2013
Hello, I've been struggling on setting up this QoS for a looong time, the problem is i've no idea what kind of QoS is this or how to set it up usually other router has this '' control bandwidth " and mine doesn't. Here's the point (who doesn't hate this anyway lol) when someone watches a video on youtube my ping spikes to 200-300 which is pretty annoying when im playing online games. Kindly look at the pictures below.

~~ The look of QoS ~~


~Normal Ping~

~When someone youtubes etc related to streaming~

I really need help, i want it like when someone youtubes my ping is only below 100 so i could play, i can use Team Viewer.

Just out of curiousity I did some research....

WRR is "Weighted Round Robin".

I found a Cisco Link that explained some of the configuration settings shown on your screen.

My overall sense is that you set up the QoS settings by the physical ethernet port being used: e.g., eth0, eth1, etc....

Could not determine what specific router you are using. Suggest you first do an internet search for the approriate manufacturer website and/or the model user manual.

Also if you do a search using "WRR Weighted Round Robin" you will find quite a bit of information along with various explanations. I found bits and pieces relevant to the settings shown in your screens - nothing comprehensive and complete noted. However, some of links and information may mean more to you based on your efforts to date.

Once you have tried a few things then the overall question will become more specific and someone will be able to help. Please post accordingly.