How to set up router settings to use cameras on smartphone

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Jun 10, 2015
Hello, I had a camera guy come to my house and install a camera system. The camera system is wired to an asus router that acts as an bridge. It bridges wirelessly to a different router, TP link. The TP link router is the main router that provides wifi and is connected to the modem.

Anyways, through this method, I was able to view the cameras through my smartphone via an app the camera guy told me to use. Now, I changed ISP's and I cannot view the cameras via smartphone. Can someone tell me what settings to change on my two routers?

I know I have to do something with port forwarding, but I dont know which router I do it on. I know it is something with port 80, but I don't know exactly which router's settings to change to get this up and running on the app again.

Can anyone provide some insight? Thanks a lot!
Most probably you have to port-forward port 80 on your main router (the one that connects to the Internet) to the IP address of the cameras' router. You must also have public IP address from your new ISP (call them for details).

I would call your installer for details. though.
Also my router doesn't have port forwarding, but it does have something called port triggering and virtual servers. Are one of these the same as port forwarding?
Don't touch "Port Trigerring", use "Virtual Servers"

Most routers disable admin page on their WAN interface, so you should connect a PC with Ethernet to a LAN port of the Camera router, and figure it out from there.
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