At the part time job I work at we will be getting in 12 new computers. All will have a basic configuration of windows 11 and Microsoft Office.
I want to take the first one and make a master configuration from it where I install some programs, setup profiles and passwords etc.
After testing the first computer and making sure it works like I want, I then want to make an exact copy of it for the remaining 11 computers so that all 12 computers have the same look and feel.
What is the best way to make a copy of the master computer so that it can be installed whole on the remaining 12 computers?
I want to take the first one and make a master configuration from it where I install some programs, setup profiles and passwords etc.
After testing the first computer and making sure it works like I want, I then want to make an exact copy of it for the remaining 11 computers so that all 12 computers have the same look and feel.
What is the best way to make a copy of the master computer so that it can be installed whole on the remaining 12 computers?