How to setup my fans.


Jul 9, 2017
So i have a 240mm radiator with a pull config and then i have one exhaust fan at the top and one at the back both are 120mm. But i'm wondering considering i have a gtx980 msi with Twin frozr and the second fan won't turn on and won't spin no matter how hot the card gets i'm kinda woried that it will get destroyed considering it's 80C when gaming and i don't know if my fan config is any good.
Your fan config is OK but you need to sort the GPU fans ASAP.
Check your documentation, depending on maker the card may still be under warranty, if you've lost the paper invoice and purchased online, check your account with the supplier, they usually keep records for some years.
As an emergency fix you can cable tie a suitable case fan over the faulty GPU fan and control the speed through BIOS.

I bought my pc as a whole from a company and they only give out 2 year warranty and considering it has gone 3 years and the fan not spinning isn't the fans issue but MSIs problem for making a shitty function i don't think leaving it with the company would do anything. I guess i have to just roll with the faulty card for now. I will get a 2080 as soon as they come out but hopefully i can find a fix before i give my cards away to my brother.