Hello tomguide users. Recently i got into the world of record collecting. After receiving a massive slot of vinyls from a old timer I helped move. (PS some goldies in the collection.) since im a novice i decide to invest into a beginner level turntable the lp60 and work my way up. I have been doing research on good speakers to get. And its just my luck my local best buy has a sell going on for the klispch r51-m passive speakers two for 179.00$ I also get a college discount.
Theres two things i want to know will the lp60 support passive speakers.
And if it does what other items do i need. It has a preamp built in do i just need a reciever for audio controll and power or both.
Thank you guys
Theres two things i want to know will the lp60 support passive speakers.
And if it does what other items do i need. It has a preamp built in do i just need a reciever for audio controll and power or both.
Thank you guys