How To Skip Surveys????

Well, I don't think you know what you are doing..
If it not official malware.. its probably some browser addon you have downloaded/installed
But you are giving us so little details.. I cant be bothered to think about it.
I guess English is not your best language so I suggest you go to a forum that supports your primary language and ask
the question will proper details.
P.S. I am not your "buddy" :no:
Dude on all the links provided by youtube on some downloads (like trainers , softwares etc...) , it asks to complete a short survey to complete your download . I am unable to download anything . So i wanted to know how to skip such surveys . If you could help me please help.......
The download service used has been configured to require you to complete either a survey or download and install a piece of software (most likely a trojan) before the download will unlock. You can't bypass them. In addition, some of those supposed free downloads don't really exist, they're only there to get you to take the surveys.

Look for a differnet place to download what you are looking for. If it's "free", it will most often want some information from you, often to sell your information to other companies.