How to slipstream graphics drivers into Windows 7 installation media?


Jan 21, 2011
Hey all,

I'll try to make it short and skip the unnecessary bits. I have a new laptop with 4th gen Core processor, which has the new Intel HD 4400 graphics, as well as Insyde UEFI on the board.
I'm trying to do a pure UEFI install (not CSM or legacy), and it's quite problematic with these. I seem to have gotten around the problem with the initial installation (from the DVD or USB), but my new Windows 7 installation on the hard drive (with GPT partitions, as this is UEFI-proper) has a no video problem after the "Starting Windows" splash screen.

This little bit has to do with the fact that whatever graphics drivers (or basic vga/svga drivers) Windows 7 comes with are not compatible with new UEFI.
Intel has this driver update for me, but I can't install it with no video, I have to slipstream it during installation. I need help doing that.

Help please!
since you are trying a windows 7 uefi (props to you) id say get yourself into safemode! haha install from there? intel installers don't use msi packages from what I remember so it should install. graphics driver are hard to slipstream or deploy through dism because of the complexity of them. do you know how to work dism or with wim images?


Yes, I have DISM installed on my desktop which I use for creating of USB install media, as a matter of fact I had to use DISM to be able to complete the install to hard drive.

Safe Mode has the same result as normal boot. No video after the loading of files.

Since I can modify the installation images using DISM, you won't happen to know which Windows 7 files are responsible for the basic VGA/SVGA graphics? Maybe I can substitute those in from Windows 8.x, as I have been doing with other installation-related files so far.

Indeed, the graphics driver package from Intel is complex, so either that or getting the basic VGA/SVGA graphics working, which I suspect would need to come from Windows 8.x.
The driver package does have an *.inf file, can that be used to install automatically?
after you mount your wim, you could try this:

Dism /Image:C:\(your image) /Add-Driver /Driver:c:\(intel install folder) /Recurse

that will burrow into the driver folder and add any .inf drivers it can find... that may work. never tried it with an intel graphics driver.

I have never played with 7 and pure uefi.. but maybe try uefi w/ scm enabled, install the driver, shutdown then disable the csm. I have had success with the os not freaking out with windows 8, 8.1 being able to toggle csm, but NEVER uefi to legacy bios. lol.

Ooo, nifty!

Just want to make a note to the next person doing this, before running that command you need to mount the *.wim image, and the path is to the mount point of the image. Unmount committing changes afterwards.

So, with those *.inf files installed onto the installation image, will Windows 7 enable the drivers automatically?
Can this also be done to the WinPE installer image?

CMS booting a UEFI-installed Windows 7 or 8 does not work at all on this machine. Likewise for GPT-partitioned USB installation media.

Crap.. I used the wrong words. when you boot with csm enabled, you can still boot uefi installs. you need to do that. what that basically does is allow bios drivers to load even in a uefi installation.

if you can inject the drivers, which should work just as well in a PE image, windows will grab them on the installation pass when it does a hardware inventory. It will not try to use the windows driver.

I understood you, but on my machine CSM booting does not work with GPT volumes, they are ignored. Legacy booting that install is impossible, unless of course I set up an MBR bootloader on some other device like a USB stick, thought I'm still not sure if it would work with GPT.
When I say that I mean I have tried that both with Windows 7 and 8.1, both failed to boot (or be found for that matter) when booting with CSM.

Cool. I'm in the middle of installation, will write back in a few minutes how it went.

Are vga.sys and vga.dll the files responsible for basic VGA/SVGA video? If so, I could try substituting those in from Windows 8.x as otherwise this Windows 7 install won't have a Safe Mode, even if the accelerated graphics drivers install successfully.

No magic yet. The graphics drivers do not appear to have activated automatically after install, so I can't really see in what state the system is.
In the meantime I'm going to fiddle with the vga.sys stuff.
yeah they are the basic drivers but im not sure what other files are responsible for uefi loading. I didn't even think about safemode.. good call. as far as the csm goes, I know some chips allow csm to be enabled without disabling uefi. so you can boot windows as a uefi on gpt. but any hardware that needs legacy can utilize it. I know my board does that. I hope you get a fix... or just wait for windows 10.. ha!
Yay! I installed Intel drivers by booting the UEFI install of Windows 7 using CSM/legacy and a bootloader with MBR on a USB stick. Afterward I switched back to UEFI and booted from the hard drive, and I'm presented with a beautiful hardware accelerated desktop.

Still no video in Safe Mode though... I will try to stick something on from Windows 8.x to get that working.

Crap, I can't find vga.sys in Windows 8.x, it's not there. Is there another substitute I can make to get basic VGA/SVGA video working in Windows 7 Safe Mode?
there is a driver, it should be compressed (so ittl be blue, lol) but its called basicdisplay.sys path should be C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\basicdisplay.inf_amd64_73a0e7d2b73334c6 don't know if that's all that's used but that should help.. I hope