Question How to solve high RTT spikes while gaming ?

I assume you have seen the recommendations to not use wifi for gaming.

This is exactly what you sometime see. Most times it is caused by interference. There are also some other strange issues with wifi that can cause this.

Pretty much only online games are affected by this. Almost every other application can easily tolerate this issue.

Your best solution is to try to find a non wifi solution. Ethernet cable is best but few people actually use wifi if they have that option. You can also consider MoCA if you have coax cables in both rooms. Powerline network also works much better than wifi for games. It might be a bit slower but the latency is very consistent. Games use almost no bandwidth when you are playing them only during a install or download which you could switch back to wifi to do just that if it is a lot faster.

There is not much you can do to fix wifi. It is the pretty standard things. Try different radio bands, 2.4 or 5. Change the wifi channels you use or maybe set the channel width to 20mhz. All these are pure luck if they will fix it and the problem may happen again when one of your neighbor changes something in their wifi settings or usage.