How to split internet speed between 2 pcs?


Jun 16, 2013
alright so me and my brother share 10mbit connection, there is a problem etc when im playing a game online and he wants to watch something online or even uses youtube, i start lagging cause of buffer and likewise. Can u tell me how i can split those 10 into 2x5 if possible so that my part of network is not impacted by whatever hes doing, from what i could gather my ping would stay the same is that correct?
Not a lot of routers support good QoS and it is a tricky setup anyway.

It netlimiter is a pc based too that limits traffic it might work You would need to set the upload and download to 1/2 of what you get. It should more or less work. You can't really control download rates well since by the time your machine gets to figure out you downloaded too much you have caused the damage. It does to a point sorta work though.

can u guide me into how to set it up please? i can access my router online
my router is ZXHN H168N V3.1 i looked all over the settings for QoS and for the life of me i can't find them i looked everywhere seriously, online it says that this router supports QoS, my provider is Mts. How about netlimiter if we both installed it and ran it would that cause lag to disapear? Helppp 🙁
Not a lot of routers support good QoS and it is a tricky setup anyway.

It netlimiter is a pc based too that limits traffic it might work You would need to set the upload and download to 1/2 of what you get. It should more or less work. You can't really control download rates well since by the time your machine gets to figure out you downloaded too much you have caused the damage. It does to a point sorta work though.