Question How to Stop Someone From Connecting Devices to Xfi Gateway 3rd Generation Router XB7 CM

Aug 20, 2022
So basically theres someone living in my house connecting devices to my router using ports without permission. I see 7 SSID channels and new ones created on the daily basis that have signals just as strong as my SSID. And my router is in the basement. On top of that Ive downloaded networking tools to my I-phone and found a unique IP address for my router. This person has my internet password. However, instead of linking to the router through a basic wireless connection. They have went the distance to use other means (hacking) to connect to the internet. The only reason I could think of is to make sure I could not see the devices they were connecting, i.e., hidden cameras etc..The sad part is this individual is not my wife. Its a child. I was trying to find a way to block it, but im at the point to getting law enforcement involved. Any Help. I have a Xfi Gateway 3rd Generation Router XB7 CM router and MAC OS HiGH SIERRA PC.
Do you have to give them the password.

I tired to look the manual up but that router is following the I am a idiot and need to use a APP to configure anything model.

So some basic stuff that I can't even guess how to tell you to configure. I normally use a web browser to configure routers.

First change the admin/login passwords.
Next find and disable a feature called WPS.... these are not typo and it is different than WPA. WPS password is easily hacked and is written on the box most times and can not be changed to the only option is to disable it.
See if the router supports a thing called WDS. This is used to connect repeaters and should be disabled.
Change the wifi password, WPS if it was enabled gave out the password no matter how complex you made it.

I would check the router to see if there are any other ethernet cable you do not know about. This is very hard to prevent when someone has physical access to the device. You can buy port lock devices but these do not use real keys so someone could buy the keys. There are other brands and models this is a example. I assume you are renting the router ? The best way to block ports is take a empty plug and use super glue.

In general if you have to give someone the password they can setup their own router and make it appear as a end device....even if you were to mac lock it they can put in a mac that matches the device. Everything will be hidden by that router so you at best can see the IP addresses they are using. There really is nothing you can do about other random wireless devices if they do not connect to your router. Someone could setup a router that is only connected to seperate network. My security cameras are on a different network even though they are all ethernet, they use different router and switch and have no direct access to the internet.

This is the problem with giving anyone you can not trust a password. There is nothing preventing them from sharing the connections to any device and even doing stupid stuff like making a open wifi hotspot that anyone can connect to.
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First change the admin/login passwords.
Next find and disable a feature called WPS.... these are not typo and it is different than WPA. WPS password is easily hacked and is written on the box most times and can not be changed to the only option is to disable it.
See if the router supports a thing called WDS. This is used to connect repeaters and should be disabled.
Change the wifi password, WPS if it was enabled gave out the password no matter how complex you made it.
Also disable UPnP on the router. That allows port forwards to be created via software.
I would also recommend a factory reset BEFORE you do the things @bill001g and I suggest.
If you HAVE to provide internet access to this person, create a guest WIFI and provide that password to them.
One other thing to consider here is that Xfinity gateways offer a "guest" channel which is actually part of the hotpot network they advertise. IE. you can log into any other Xfinity users WiFi using your own name/pass. I don't think you would specifically see that on the network name you use privately. Mine is named "Xfinity WiFi" IDK if this could explain what you are experiencing or not.

Something to watch out for in reference to your network and password. If other individuals in your home have access to PC on your network it's a fairly routine thing to find out what the information it's connected to is, particularly if you are using password save within such as your browser. There are also tools available that can crack easy passwords pretty quickly. The above advice and suggestions given by @bill001g are worth following up on. Consider as long and complex a password as you can think of.
Assuming that you the internet service is in your name and you are paying for it, it sounds to me like it's time for you to draw a line in the sand with the "CHILD":

Either stop this crap right now, or get out of my house !

Perhaps you could also confiscate all internet-capable devices from them until such time that they understand that this <Mod Edit> is unacceptable...

Sorry if this sounds harsh, but ya gotz to do what ya gotz to do, even if it's difficult 😀
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