How to stream content to Monitors in 2 locations


Sep 7, 2013
I am hoping someone can help me come up with a solution on how best to achieve the following:

- We have two small company offices in different location and in both of our offices we have large TV/monitors (both newer models with built in wireless / internet connectivity) in our office lobby.
- We rarely use these monitors with one exception: during company team meetings we will run PowerPoint slides off of them.
- Instead of just having these monitors sit idle (and turned off most of the time) we would like to be able to use them to 'actively' display information for our employees, clients and guests. It could be information about our company, the weather, employer/employee news, etc.

My question is how can this best be achieved, ideally in a way that the SAME information would be simultaneously broadcast to both TVs/locations? I'd like to find an inexpensive solution that would allow us to do this and also easily update the content/what is being displayed. Quite often the content would be "PowerPoint-like" information that would automatically cycle through (and ideally stop cycling or turn on/off at a specific time).

Any suggestions on how we could achieve this from a technology perspective? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.