News How to Stream On Twitch

This article seems to miss the most important parts of streaming, namely size, bitrate/bandwidth and encoder.
With 11 million new streamer a year surely I will grow big and successful on a platform that only supports their diversity and inclusion quota
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So this Twitch thing is like a camgirl site, but for kids?
That doesn't sound like something that will catch on.

People watch Twitch for the same reason you are on this forum. Social contact. Something which people are severely lacking and are in need of, due to all sorts of reasons. Covid, changes in society that are beyond our control, etc.

Twitch is one of the better sites for this.

It's not like other social media where you are bombarded with addictive algorithms that promote sensationalism, conspiracies and where you aren't even sure if you are talking to a bot or not.

On Twitch you're just watching (or just listening to) someone play a game, talk about subjects, and people are simply interacting. Depending on the stream you watch, this can be quite relaxing, and for the most part, it is a more straightforward and honest interaction compared to other social media.

I am very critical of sites like Reddit, Twitter, etc. All these algorithms are cleverly designed to make these platforms as addictive as possible. Even this forum could do without the "like" system imo.

Twitch is hard to manipulate with algorithms. There isn't much Twitch can do to manipulate these streamer-viewer interactions, there are no "upvotes", "likes", "updates", all these cleverly designed algorithms found on Reddit and Twitter, do not exist on Twitch. Streaming is still a relatively "pure" interaction between a person and their viewers.
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It's not like other social media where you are bombarded with addictive algorithms that promote sensationalism, conspiracies and where you aren't even sure if you are talking to a bot or not.

I disagree with this, extremely strongly. English has no remaining words strong enough to express how much I disagree with this.

Twitch is hard to manipulate with algorithms. There isn't much Twitch can do to manipulate these streamer-viewer interactions, there are no "upvotes", "likes", "updates", all these cleverly designed algorithms found on Reddit and Twitter, do not exist on Twitch. Streaming is still a relatively "pure" interaction between a person and their viewers.

Bruh. You need to take a step back and actually look at Twitch's business model (which, yes, was originally lifted from early 2000's camgirl sites). At this point it's like the most manipulative addiction-exploiting algorithm ever designed by man, by a wide margin. YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and TikTok are desperate to get in on that action.
They convince small kids to steal their parents credit cards and give $100 to a millionaire just to get the 4 seconds of dopamine when somebody notices they exist, and Twitch keeps 30 cents on the dollar. Who needs free "like buttons" when you've got millions of people a day paying $5+ a pop to display an animated .gif for 2 seconds?
They breed and exploit desperation, while selling the blatant lie that anybody can succeed at their own stream. They deliberately cultivate the same culture of self-promotion and celebrity elitism that is the cornerstone of all social media pyramid schemes. They depend on their "creators" the be their biggest "consumers"; Tricking people into generating content for the platform to sell, usually for zero compensation.
The fact anybody doesn't realize this, just speaks to the effectiveness of their algorithm and marketing. Amazon has an entire office full of marketers who's only job is to calculate how to make their corporate giga-product appear as "pure" or "real". Money well spent, apparently.

And if you like twitch, that's totally fine. Lots of people like twitch. But there's no use denying how the business works; We just have to pinch our noses and deal with it.

It you're lonely, I get it. I'm lonely too. But we shouldn't confuse a lady of the night with a girlfriend, you know?
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They convince small kids to steal their parents credit cards and give $100 to a millionaire just to get the 4 seconds of dopamine when somebody notices they exist, and Twitch keeps 30 cents on the dollar.

That's true. And yes, Twitch is at fault there, they shouldn't be allowing 13-year-old kids on their platform. And someone should ask what addictive games like Fortnite are doing to these kids their psyche.

But it's easy to avoid these streams, most of Twitch is adults talking to adults. By just avoiding FPS games and Minecraft streams, you removed 99% of toxic streams.

Random donations are very rare on most streams, most people just subscribe to a channel.